Tuesday, January 15, 2008

an interesting problem to have

I've had several new men join the choir over the past couple months, they all have fine voices.
In fact, this past Sunday, there were 6 men and 4 women in the choir. And of course, once the men are all singing together, they kind of subconsciously encourage one another, and sing louder and louder...(like maybe trying to out-sing one another? or else they just revel in their manliness!) oh well, they sounded fabulous. (keep in mind that men's voices are already louder than women's...
a very nice problem to have!


lvschant said...

what a wonderful thing! and can they keep on pitch and read music??? J.

Mara Joy said...

oh they can keep on pitch...but reading music? That is a luxury I can only hope my choir members will have, or learn under me!

Anonymous said...

For Christmas I was given "The Kodaly Method" by Lois Choksy. It's an eye-opening book - useful for me as put together plans for a kids' choir camp this summer, but also interesting to see what music education in schools should be like.

It always boggles me why reading music is this mystical art form to grown adults who are many times the age I was when I learned to read.