Saturday, May 26, 2007

Pentecost Sunday

Fire of God, Undying Flame (NUN KOMM)
Psalm-Respond and Acclaim
Pentecost Sequence-English, GIA translation (gotta love how the ICEL guys or whoever translated it for the Lectionary made sure that their translation absolutely did not match the meter of the chant...)
Easter Alleluia with verses (O FILII ET FILIAE)
Sanctus-Mass of Creation (yes, we're working on this...)
Mem. Acc. -chant (Jubilate Deo)
Amen-two tone
Agnus Dei-chant
O Breathe on Me, O Breath of God (ST. COLUMBA)
One Bread, One Body
Come Holy Ghost (LAMBILLOTTE)

and, for those wondering about the "Memorial Day patriotic music," obviously I've chosen to not use any. Pentecost is far more important. Interestingly, I'm actually not quite sure what my priest/boss thinks about the whole "using patriotic songs at Mass close to holidays" thing, but guess what? He's on retreat until the last Mass this weekend, so...he won't know until too late! tee hee...

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