Monday, May 12, 2008

Holy Trinity

Preludes: (Three Chorale Preludes on the Persons of the Trinity)
Gott der Vater Wohn Uns Bei (Samuel Scheidt)
Christe, du Lamm Gottes (J.S. Bach, Orgelbuechlein)
Komm, Heiliger Geist (F. Zachau)
(for some reason I am super excited about these preludes. I think I have very cleverly chosen them! However, the irony is that I doubt anyone will notice. First of all, I am sure not a single person in the congregation even knows the tune of any of those three German chorales, and I would even be surprised if anyone noticed, "hey, she just played three different little songs! I wonder if that has any significance!")
Open: Holy, Holy Holy (Nicaea)
Gifts: Sing of Mary (Pleading Savior, last verse is a doxology)
Communion: Benedicimus Deum
Sing Praise to Our Creator (Gott Vater Sei Gepriesen)
Choir: How Wonderful the Three in One (Prospect)
Close: All Hail Adored Trinity (Old Hundredth)
Postlude: Prelude in C (JSB, and no, I have no idea which one. It's just in some collection that I have of various composers and periods.)


Anonymous said...

Why a Marian text for Trinity?!?

Mara Joy said...

EXCELLENT question!

It even deserves answering as another post!