Part-Time Director of Music - St. ---- Cathedral, L-----
This part-time director of music serves approximately 10-20 hours per week, though there will be times in the liturgical year in which that varies. He/she promotes and models sound liturgical principles so that our liturgical assemblies may offer prayerful praise to God.
This person must be a practicing Roman Catholic and posses a knowledge of and appreciation for renewed Catholic Liturgy; have a degree or equivalence in music/organ performance, and have minimum of 5 years parish experience in keyboard accompaniment and choral direction. Strong organizational, teaching and computer skills are valued.
For more information, contact --------
I am rather surprised at both the size of the position, as well as the relatively low skill level required.
I thought I had read somewhere (although now I cannot find it anywhere!) that the music at the cathedral was supposed to be of the highest quality; as a model for all of the other churches in the diocese.
Although I suppose that the cathedral D of M really doesn't have that much more to do than I do at my little church, in terms of regular weekend events, with the exception of a couple of prominent, annual events.