Wednesday, August 22, 2007

care in blogging...

so, my boss had a meeting with the diocesan lawyer this morning. And, while I don't know exactly what the meeting was about, he did tell, me first thing when he saw me this afternoon, that since he knows I have a blog, if I have ever written the name of the diocese in it, then they are watching it. Totally fair; I have been warned before that anything you write online is possibly read by anyone. So I was really scared for a second when I thought that entry about our bishop's letter included the diocese's name, but it actually didn't. So I skimmed through my blog to see if I had included references that were more incriminating than "Fr. G" or "St. T." If anyone has noticed anything more specific than that, I suppose you can let me know. And also, I have in the past appreciated comments that suggest I remove a post if it could possibly get me in trouble, so please continue to do so.

C told me that she thought Fr. had implied that the diocese HAD found my blog. I just don't know how. Maybe I did carelessly put some information in I shouldn't have. the end.


Boniface said...

Mara, the meeting was about my blog; the diocese found the "Day in the Diocese" posting I made several weeks back and told Father that it was imprudent. I removed all mention of the Diocese from my blog and posted an apology, because the lawyer was one of the people mentioned in the article as giving a "dull" speech. Oops.

Mara Joy said...

I do believe that "they" read my blog, (which I will post about later,) but that doesn't seem quite so serious as it could have been. It seems more of like a personal offense...(as opposed to something like public scandal?) but of course it's none of my business...

Anonymous said...

Oh goodness, of course care should be taken in blogging, but shouldn't care also be taken when people give "dull" speeches, or say things that are contrary to church teaching? I'm not criticizing mara or boniface, but the people who are offended by such things.

Boniface said...

I agree,too. My blog posting in question criticized a religious for not wearning her habit. The diocesan person who found my blog was more upset that I had criticized her than by the fact that she does not wear a habit.