Tuesday, October 16, 2007

29 OT C

Open: Lord of All Hopefulness (Slane)
Offertory: Hail, Holy Queen (Salve Regina Coelitum)
Commuion: Domine Dominus Noster
Seek Ye First
Close: Joyful, Joyful (Hymn to Joy)


Boniface said...


I did not know about the rails until I read about it on your blog! I was so happy I ran right over there...your blog surely has brought me joy, in keeping with its name...

If you get a pic and download it onto the computer, I can show you how to post it.

God bless

Anonymous said...

So I guess I'm not the only one who doesn't think "Seek Ye First" is unusable? The Episocopalians use it in a very nice canon, if you can get ahold of a Hymnal 1982, it has it in there.
